Kendo Archive is the home page of the academic party of branch of KENDO affiliated withJapanese Academy of BUDO. About 100 domestic members are currently active in this party. The members come from a wide variety of professions mainly composed of researchers and university staff.
We have the following purposes:

Promote scientific interest and research in kendo.
Facilitate interdisciplinary communication.
Advance physical arts and kendo as a science.
Apply the man of knowledge from the research to the practical field.
Go a long way toward developing academic science of kendo for all over the world. 


We have a link to the homepage" Budo World". This site have three pillars. 

1) To disseminate academically supported knowledge and expertise related to 
 budo culture in both Japanese and English.
2) To build a global network that will act as a bridge between budo’s techniques
 and knowledge. 
3) To keep a forum continually open that will allow people from around the world
 to discuss budo together at the academic level.

Video information of kendo opened to the public is stored in this site. Please take a quick look at this site.

*The heart and technique of Kendogu Craftsmen

Special Project for the 16th WKC
-Division of Kendo, Japanese Academy of Budo " Exploring Japanese Culture through Kendo Equipment "

27th May 2015, It has ended

"Exploring Japanese Culture through Kendo Equipment" 
- Material & Process - 16WKC's Special Project
Anchoman: Sotaro HONDA(Fukuoka University of Education)
Interpreter: Alexander Bennett(Kansai Univ.), 
Yoshiko ODA(Tokaigakuen Univ.)
Edited by Ken-ichiro MUTOH (Seikei Univ.)
Cinematography by Yuji ARITA, Jyunko Oishi (Tsukuba Univ.)
"Exploring Japanese Culture through Kendo Equipment" 
- Experience course - 16WKC's Special Project
Anchoman: Sotaro HONDA(Fukuoka University of Education)
Interpreter: Alexander Bennett(Kansai Univ.),
Yoshiko ODA(Tokaigakuen Univ.)
Edited by Ken-ichiro MUTOH (Seikei Univ.)
Cinematography by Jyunko Oishii (Tsukuba Univ.)

Kendo is a physical and cultural activity that has originated in Japan and passed to the world.

Kendo has developed into its current form largely through the widespread adoption of shinai and “bogu,” or armor in the 18th century. During the Sh?toku Period (1711-1716), due to the efforts of Naganuma Shir?zaemon Kunisato and others, “shinai uchikomi kenjutsu” (shinai striking techniques”) were born. Yoshimitsu Takeyasu, president of the International Kendo Federation, praised this event as “a monumental innovation that has shaped modern Kendo.” This also underscores the importance of Kendo equipment in understanding modern Kendo.
 To produce Kendo equipment, an advanced craftsmanship inherited from armor-making is needed: sewing, dewing, lacquering, tanning leather, working with bamboo; all of these are the manifestations of Japanese culture searching for the highest beauty and functionality. It is important that everyone practicing Kendo understands their equipment properly, as a product of the knowledge of Japanese people acquired through their long history.
 On this occasion, the opening of 16th World Kendo Championship, I would like to propose this project to all Kendo practitioners of the world, to appreciate and further understand the origins and true nature of their Kendo equipment.

 Date: 2015. May 27th (Wed) 10:00-12:00 
 Place: National Olympic Memorial Youth Center, Central Bldg. 417. 
 >Part One DVD ’The heart and technique of Kendogu craftsmen’, 1 hour. 
 (This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 23300219. Project planning : Toshinobu Sakai (University of Tsukuba)) 
 >Part Two Workshop ’Let’s feel original Kendo equipment!’ 1 hour.
 Lecturer: Eiichi Tetsukawa (Kendo equipment expert, Tokyo Shobudo
 Assistants: Hirohisa Inoue and Kazuki Saito (Kendo equipment experts, Tokyo Shobudo).